Voice recognition doesnt work
I like the idea of this app. I browsed the sections and lessons and it looks awesome. I took some free practice exercises and liked what I experienced. Except...the voice recognition is garbage. I repeated the same few words 15 times, slow, fast, loud, nothing worked. I restarted the program. Same thing. I switch over to Duolingo and it works like a champ.
I recommend staying far away from this company. Learning a new language can be hard and frustrating enough without an app that was poorly developed making it impossible to learn. I feel this company serves to actively discourage people from learning a language. Why else would they put out such a terrible product?
I wish I could find a company with this same concept that has a competent development team that makes an app that works. That would be awesome!
Using an iPhone 6 without a case (nothing muffled) in case you were curious.
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Babbel – Learn Spanish