Subscription needed
Voice recognition software seems to be untouched since 2009. And only a ten minute lesson bundle is actually free. And then you need to subscribe per month for more access. Lame-o-zine. I would wager the marketing/sales team for this app is in their 50s. At least that would explain why they like so many other dotcom era app developers refused to take the hint from whatapp. Just charge 1-5 dollars for a fully functioning app and twenty times more people will download it and then recommend it vs charging ten dollars per month and then spending 35% of that on marketing because only 15% of app store users will subscribe for any in-app service. Rosetta stone anyone? Free advice: trust in your product, trust in todays business model, and do a little research into people like John Mackey of Whole Foods and Yvonne Chouinard of Patagonia. Take care of people more than they expect and they will naturally feel indebted to you more than just a brand or even a great service. You will create in them familial loyalty. And the marketing value of that is priceless. Oh yeah, and you will immediately become to go-to translation app globally. Fast Company will want to interview your CEO and you will make rosetta stone look like AOL. Or you can do it old school; drag the company kicking and screaming into the waiting hands of your successor who will see the truth in this review. 3 stars. Uninstall.
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